Monday, April 5, 2010

Taking pictures in rainy Vienna

Rain, wind, clouds, low temperatures! - Yet, I decided to go for a little walk and as it is boring to do nothing while strolling around, I took my camera along. On the picture on the right you can see me on Heldenplatz. Maybe I'll add some of these photographs to my website, but not right now, as I still have to work on my translations. Anyway, it's a bit strange to walk through your hometown, taking pictures. I really felt like a tourist, though there were not too many because of the bad weather. An advertising man tried to offer me a city-tour and another recruiter wanted to sell me some concert-tickets. I've cordially rejected both offers. After about two hours of wandering around, I finally went home. The pictures I've taken were not too bad, but one thing, I'll have to do before my next photo-trip is to learn a lot more about the camera-settings. The other important message to myself is: Only go out, when the weater is fine and the skies are blue!

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