Sunday, April 4, 2010

Studying Russian on Donaukanal

This time I took advantage of the lovely weather to sit down on a bank on Donaukanal. Of course, I didn't only relax by doing nothing. I tried to read the russian magazin "По свету". Thank God, it's got some translations within, as I'm just a beginner. Yet, I've already managed to translate a few stories. Learning like this is far more interesting than memorizing all those boring grammar rules. To give you an example of my progress, I'd like to write the following phrase in russian. One moment, gotta change the keyboard settings.
Я считаю, что в наши дни очень важно знать несколько языков.
What does it mean? Translation: "I believe, that in our days it is very important to know some languages." But please don't ask me, how long it took me to type this simple sentence. My excuse is, that until know I haven't got a bi-lingual keyboard, so I only can guess where the russian letters are. However, it's always fun to take up new challenges.

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